UIDs and GIDs to use with slkbuild

The recommended UID/GIDs for use with SLKBUILD scripts are the same as [the ones for slackbuilds.org](https://slackbuilds.org/uid_gid.txt Defaults Slackware UID/GIDs) in order to avoid conflicts with packages build from SBo.


This previous list is maintained by the SBo team. If you build a package that is not on that list, we can discuss about it on the mailing list.


Note that recommended UID/GIDs should not be created automatically when the user installs a package.

All informations have to be written in a README.Slackware file which will be in the /usr/doc/$pkgname-$pkgver directory, the user will have to add specific UID/GIDs to his system by hands. A little note in the slack-desc can be usefull.