Packaging rules

Packagers are encouraged to also visit the following links:

Package rules

The package should be named $name-$version-$arch-$packagereleaseXY.txz with a breakdown as below:

  • $name: the name of the software and should contain only alphanumeric characters. “-” is supported.
  • $version: the version of the software, ie
  • $arch: i586 in most cases for 32-bit packages, x86_64 for 64-bit packages, noarch for scripts or “resource only” packages (ie : artwork)
  • $packagerelease: Start with 1 and for any subsequent updates to the same version of the package, increase by 1; this includes rebuilding for a new Salix edition. If the package can be transferred without rebuilding, the name remains unchanged. When upgrading to a new version, go back to 1.
  • XY: your initials, so it’s obvious who the packager is.

The $version has the following additional restrictions:

  • Separators “-” , “()” are forbidden, “.” is the digit separator that should be normally used
  • Packages compiled from svn sources must be version like “r12345”, where 12345 is the svn commit.

All packages shall install without requiring that the user perform postinstallation procedure to render the application usable. Not applicable to server packages of course where configuration should always be done after installation.

All packages must contain a valid slack-desc file containing a brief yet accurate description of the package’s contents or application. The slack-desc file must NOT contain the name of the packager NOR the version of the packaged software (these go to the buildscript).

The post install script should include only relative paths to / , ie: /etc/profile is addressed as etc/profile in the script.

All packages “packagename.txz” shall be accompanied by a file named “packagename.md5” that contains the package’s md5 sum, ie: e16-1.0.1-x86_64-1gv.txz will be shipped with e16-1.0.1-x86_64-1gv.md5

If a package “packagename.txz” has any external dependencies then the txz file should be accompanied by a file named “packagename.dep” that includes a comma separated list of dependencies. You can use [[depfinder]] to create that file.

All packages compiled for the x86 architecture should be compiled with

CFLAGS="-O2 -march=i586 -mtune=i686"


CXXFLAGS="-O2 -march=i586 -mtune=i686"

unless a “reasonable” condition exists to do otherwise.

All packages compiled for the x86_64 architecture should be compiled with




unless a “reasonable” condition exists to do otherwise.

Packages should be compiled with the following options:

configure --prefix=/usr --libdir=/usr/lib${LIBDIRSUFFIX} --localstatedir=/var --sysconfdir=/etc --mandir=/usr/man

where $LIBDIRSUFFIX should be empty for x86 packages and set to “64” for x86_64 packages. This also means that:

  • Packages are not allowed to install files in “/opt” and “/usr/local” by any means.
  • “/usr” is the install path prefix
  • log files must be installed in the directory “/var”
  • configuration files must be installed in the directory “/etc”
  • man pages must be placed in “/usr/man”

All binaries and system libraries must be stripped of debugging symbols.

Man pages and Info files must be gziped.

Files installed to the directory “/usr/doc” must not have group/world writeable permissions.

All X application packages which are supposed to appear in the application menu shall install appropriate “packagename.desktop” files in the “/usr/share/applications” directory.

All icons are to be installed in the /usr/share/icons/hicolor/scalable/apps/ or /usr/share/icons/hicolor/SIZExSIZE/apps/ directories depending on the icon type svg or png, where SIZE is the icon size (48x48, 32x32 etc). /usr/share/pixmaps use for menu icons is discouraged but allowed if the app doesn’t function properly otherwise. Internal application images should be placed in /usr/share/app-name/some-directory or /usr/share/pixmaps/app-name (most apps do it this way, btw).

Window Managers and Desktop Environments packages must install a .desktop file in /etc/share/xsessions (ie: /etc/X11/dm/Sessions/e16.desktop). A xinitrc file should be placed in the /etc/X11/xinit directory (ie: /etc/X11/xinit/xinit.e16)